terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021


Let's find out about British and American festivities!

      > On these day people give thanks. And you? What are you thankful for?
      > What is Black Friday?

sábado, 5 de junho de 2021



> Do some Liveworksheets ("check your answers" or "send to teacher"): 
  • about shops here and here ( Where can you buy?)
  • Shops and prepositions of place (next to, opposite, between) here
  • about money and shopping (Camden market in London) - Listening exercise - here 
  • Places to go shopping - Listening exercise - here
  • in a shop (man and woman) here  
> Do a matching exercise (Wordwall) about shops and things to buy.

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2021


  1. Read and listen to the following poem

2. And one more, to read and listen, "Good morning , Dear Students" - What day is it?

3. Finally, "Zoom Gloom," by Kenn Nesbitt. Read and Listen. 
Do the worksheet and record yourself reading (vocaroo.com)

Zoom Gloom

   4. Read another poem, "Get out of bed" - Who are the two people talking?

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2021


 👂LISTEN to a situation at a restaurant.

> Practice the language. Listen and repeat.

👀 WATCH a funny video: Mr Bean at a restaurant.

📝 Do some exercises online about ordering food in a restaurant.

📝 Reading-comprehension: 
👀 WATCH more videos about:
Which do you prefer? Traditional and national dishes or international cuisine?

domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2021

ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES: -ful, -less, -able/-ible

 Watch these video explanations about forming adjectives with suffixes:

> Do exercises on your own and check your answers.

A- Practise with -ful/-less:

B- Practise with -able/-ible:

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021



Do the following online exercises on LIVEWORKSHEETS. 

When you finish the worksheet, read the instructions. You can "Check answers" or "Send answers to the teacher" (in this case you have to write your name and your class)

  1. Past Simple - to be SEND ANSWERS TO TEACHER
  2. Past Simple - irregular verbs (matching)SEND ANSWERS TO TEACHER
  3. Past Simple (multiple choice) SEND ANSWERS TO TEACHER
  4. Was/ Were, Wasn't/ Weren't  CHECK  or  SEND
  5. Past Simple - negative/interrogative CHECK  or  SEND
  6. Past Simple - mixed list: regular/ irregular - CHECK ANSWERS
  7. A lucky day and a bad day (Past Simple forms) CHECK ANSWERS

Watch a You Tube video to study the Past Simple Irregular forms: read, listen and repeat.

Here are 2 worksheets to check the Past Simple forms ( Affirmative / Negative / Interrogative).